Sunday, December 29, 2019

Description Of The Light ( Thermal Energy ) - 1383 Words

1. Description of Functional features This experiment is using a method whereby the light (thermal energy) is directed back upon the can of water from several different directions, increasing the efficiency. Considering that the reflecting of light cannot add nor remove power, the aluminium does not act to amplify. However, reproducing the rays using a mirror system replicates the power. Each individual ray mirrors the power of the original Sun’s rays, but because there are multiple, a much stronger power source is gained. In addition to this, the rays are targeted better, so rather than a widespread area of one power level, there is a targeted point with that same power level. This method is seen frequently today. Look to Image 1.0 , for example, to see the Walkie-Talkie building in London. The single worst designed building in history. Because of its reflective properties, it was able to heat the pavement below to around 60 °C, and severely damage cars, ranging from destroying the paintwork to actually melting parts wing mirrors, car insignias and varies panels. This building, it would seem, is very supportive of my experiment, proving that targeting the Sun’s rays into one spot does prove to be more intensive. It doesn’t, though, seem to like Londoners very much. The Walkie-Talkie building is curved; however this experiment has 3 â€Å"walls† set up in somewhat of a half cube. This is shown in Diagram 1.0. Both have their goods and bads, however using the box-like systemShow MoreRelatedEnergy Efficiency Of A Building1461 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract. Energy efficiency in the building sector during the past decade has been a priority of the European Union, and many measures have been taken to establish a building s energy and to reduce emissions in the environment. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Social Anxiety Disorder And Social Depression - 1147 Words

Stefani Mosquera Human Anatomy Mrs.Newlander May 29, 2013 Social Anxiety Disorder One of the most common mental disorders in the United States that goes unseen is social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia. Many times parents tend to mistake it for pure shyness. If gone uncured it may cause children, young adults, and adults to not be able to participate in social activities. Even though there is a great diversity in all people when it comes to their personalities the quitter people tend to develop social anxiety due to how society tends to favor bolder personalities. That may cause neglect and that is the main cause of social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety are a group of conditions that bring people to risk with their everyday lives with severe symptoms (Izenburg, 2003). People with social anxiety disorder tend to worry about everything. Usually people tend to develop social phobia as young adults and it progresses over time. â€Å"The fear of being evaluated, criticized, censored, embarrassed ( Doctor Kahn, 1989). These effec ts will most likely effect adults when it comes time to go to job interviews and even to except a promotion and become a boss. Social phobia does not allow people to progress and only allows them to say how they are because they have a fear of being judged and even seen. Not only that but social phobia tends to also not allow people to do the following: eating, drinking, speaking, and urinating. â€Å"People with social anxiety disorder mayShow MoreRelatedSocial Anxiety Disorder And Social Depression2094 Words   |  9 PagesSocial Anxiety Disorder Social anxiety disorder it’s an intense worry or fear of social situations that involve interactions with others. It is categorized as a Phobia a persistent and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Business plan for an Online Art Gallery Free Essays

Task 1 You need to do some research to familiarise yourself with the subject area and to gain some ideas about how you can carry out the rest of the project. There are a number of websites that specialise in the sale of paintings and craft items. Use a maximum of 1 hour to review these resources. We will write a custom essay sample on Business plan for an Online Art Gallery or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bookmark the relevant sites and make notes of information that you can use in your assignment. Business Plan for the Online Art Gallery starts in the internet. Art gallery business is no different business than the other business that happens in the internet. Now a day various established galleries have adapted to this internet medium and number ofnew business are rapidly developed across world in the internet business. Internet has opened the art business as various major barriers are demolished –distance area and limitation of demand and wants choices by the customer. In past if someone has to buy art material they have to reach to the place where that particular art is located and second thing is there was limitation of choices. lot of time and traveling expenses also beard by the customer .Now if any one like to purchase an European painting they are not failed by choices nor have to go to Europe. The rapid growth level of prosperity in the foreign countries has also given a dimension to the art industry across the world, as more and more people now a day can afford to collect of their prospective and desired products within a short time period if the place of the produced product not in their country boundary. For an example10000 people of America can seeing and buying paintings, drawing, prints, sculptures and photographs by artists of almost all periods from the organized exhibition by the Art gallery situated in the USA. Various Artists are now look for avenues on internet to sell their products and try to get benefit than the analog system of buying and selling the product. Though every artist has no personal website as selling their product to customers is one of the lacings of online marketing. The online site of art gallery will provide a instant platform for artists and will help in selling their product. Task 2 Produce a project plan for the way you intend to complete the rest of this assignment. For planning, use the timescale you have been allocated for this assignment i.e. from the date you start to the date you submit your assignment. Submit a copy of your plan to your tutor BEFORE you proceed further with the assignment. Project plan for the site development: The site development procedure start from the 11th July and the completion date possibly 2 month later from the starting date. The project plan include the resource allocation for the site development, feasibility study for the market, marketing strategy development and implementation, action plan for the project, termination of the project, project funding etc. Gant chart of the project: Particular10 days10 days10 days10 days10 days10 days feasibility study site development Marketing strategy development action plan the project termination project funding Task 3 Marketing plans are detailed strategies of how to go about successfully marketing a product or products and earning a projected amount of return from the effort. A comprehensive marketing plan will consider such important elements as distribution costs, production costs, advertising expenses and any expense related to identifying and marketing the products to the consumers in the targeted markets. The marketing plan may focus on strategies related to the upcoming twelve-month period, the next calendar year, or include a span of three to five years into the future. The art gallery currently takes a commission of 30% on the price of each painting that they sell and, on average, sells between 6 to 8 paintings by each artist per month. The owner believes that it will be possible to set up similar commission deals with the craftspeople. The possible marketing plan for the project of the art gallery: Products and Services for the art gallery: The existing products for the art gallery are given below: Pottery; Wood sculptures; Glassware; Jewellery. Market Analysis: The market analysis explains the market situation and the opportunity and the threat of the market. It is one of the parts of industry analysis and this also the global environmental analysis for market. Through this market analyses the company or marketers can understand the chances, strengths, weaknesses and risks. The art gallery on the online is huge demand to the customer in the local as well as the worldwide. The online art gallery market is expanding day by day. The owner of the art gallery understand the situation by market severing different site and the customer they realize that the customer wants to buy this kind of product that they provide in the art gallery. If they launch the online art gallery the local people and the global people can buy their product easily. But they have to consult with online art gallery and develop an effective site where the customer can sell and buy their product. This product has huge demand in the local market and also in the European market as well as global. Target Market: The art gallery provides Pottery; Wood sculptures; Glassware; Jewellery to the the potential customer are available mainly artist, art loving people, and all kinds and all level of people who want to but this product. The Jewellery customers mainly are the female person. The Competition for the art gallery: There are many established online gallery in the market .so the new market entrance the gallery should follow the strategy to market growth and expansion policy. The main competitors of this gallery are E-bay, Picasa, slideshow, picture gallery, global art gallery, and so on. Marketing Plan for the art gallery: The art gallery currently takes a commission of 30% on the price of each painting that they sell and, on average, sells between 6 to 8 paintings by each artist per month. The owner believes that it will be possible to set up similar commission deals with the craftspeople. Meeting Customer Needs: Our customers require fresh Pottery, Wood sculptures, Glassware, Jewellery. The system for establishing customer needs is based on the product offering of our competitors. Pottery; Wood sculptures; Glassware; Jewellery demand in the market is huge and the customer may purchase from the site if the site is launched .the site develop such a way that meet the all demand of the customer. The site develops such a way that product quality and quantity is mentioned in the site. The owner of the gallery tries to meet the customer demand in high quality and provide the mentioned demand from the customer. Quality vs. Quantity of the art gallery: the existing artist sells between 6 to 8 paintings per month. If the online art gallery is established then it would be possible to sell at least 30 painting for each artist per month initially. The art gallery site visitors make choice the art paints and the quantities of the product may increase to the site .there are 30 artists make the painting at about 1000 paintings including oil paintings andsculptures; Glassware; Jewellery products at about 1500 made by the 40 artist in this product quality and quantity of this art gallery is satisfactory for the launching the online art gallery. Buying policy of the art gallery: The art gallery if launch the site the possible payment methods listed below: By PayPal By ProPay By Moneybookers By Paymate By Credit card or debit card Payment methods not allowed on the art gallery site: In this site buyers can’t ask to sellers to the following is the payment method of the art their specific system of payment system To Send cash through the mail is not applicable To Send cash or money orders through instant, point-to-point cash transfer services (that are not banks) such as Western Union or MoneyGram To Mail checks or money orders (except for items in categories specifically permitted in the local and specific bank) To Pay through bank-to-bank transfers (except for items in categories specifically permitted in the local and specific bank) To Pay by â€Å"topping off† a seller’s prepaid credit or debit card To Pay using online or other payment methods not specifically permitted in this policy Promotional activities for the art gallery: the art gallery’s possible promotion al activities includes the advertising on the social network site life Facebook, Ayol, yahoo messenger, Google talk, Skype and so other site .some exhibition may arrange for the customer attraction to the product. Some completion may arrange for the customer in the online and gift them luxurious product. Potential domain names the potential domain name is the big factor to attract the people on the site .so the assistant of the site proposed the tree domain name for the site those are given below: global art gallery Vinci art gallery world art gallery Advertising and other r promotional cost for the site development: The art gallery estimate that the cost of the site development and advertising and other promotional activities. The competition of the various social site and gift given by the art gallery is about monthly cost $50.the advertising cost will be estimated at about $100.promotional activities of the art gallery cost will be the $50. Market segmentation for the art gallery: The art gallery segments the market in different areas such as the local area, global area, sub-local area and far area. The local areas segmented by the owner for the ease of the marketing delivery. Distribution channel of the art gallery globally segmented for the ease of the delivery. The main areas of the art gallery are given below: Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, American Samoa, Cook Islands, and Mexico. Task 4 Produce a draft of a Delivery and Returns Policy that could be included on the e-commerce site. In particular the policy should address the following issues: 1. The returns policy that will apply for the art gallery is given below: Item must be returned withinRefund will be given asReturn policy details 14 days after the buyer receives the products they delivered to the customer.Exchange14 days warranty from the received date will applicable. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Refund occurs only when item is lost by the shipping company. Maximum refund amount will be the selling price; shipping cost will not be refund since it has been delivered. 2. The regions and/or the countries that the gallery will deliver to; Name of the worldwide country that the gallery want to deliver their product: The art gallery segments the market in different areas such as the local area, global area, sub-local area and far area. The local areas segmented by the owner for the ease of the marketing delivery. Distribution channel of the art gallery globally segmented for the ease of the delivery. The main areas of the art gallery are given below: Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, American Samoa, Cook Islands, and Mexico. 3. What the cost of deliveries will be: The local delivery cost will about the product basis. And the quantity of the product differ the cost. The other country that the gallery wish to deliver the product also mention in the site by shipping cost and airline cost for the quick delivery. Task 5 Presentation Task 6 Produce a list of ten key questions to ask prospective e-commerce suppliers, who will be required to design, develop and host the new e-commerce site on behalf of the gallery owner. The questions should seek to establish that the successful company has the necessary skills, expertise and track record to ensure that they are capable of providing a high quality level of service. list of ten key questions to ask prospective e-commerce suppliers, who will be required to design, develop and host the new e-commerce site on behalf of the gallery owner. Q-1: What are the products graphics tools used in the site that related toll the customers need and wants. Q-2: what is the time line of the developing the site Q-3: what are the key material for the picture and other product photography? Q-4: is there any interaction to the site developer to the artist to manage attractive deign of the site? Q-5: what amount of money taken by the site developers? Q-6: how the customers of the art gallery access the site? Q-7: is there any privacy policy include the owner of the art gallery? Q-8: should the copyright information needed to the site developer? Q-19: what category and quality of the product should be maintained for competition in the market? Q-10: is there any improvement needed to the existing product? Task 7 Put together a briefing report of no more than 600 words that summarises three of the major types of auctions that can be held, together with the main advantages and disadvantages of each. The note should also include your recommendation on the type of auction that should be used as part of the e-commerce site if the gallery owner decides to go-ahead with this opportunity. There are three major types of auctions that can be held for the art gallery and those are given below: 1. Buyer Protection for the art gallery The art gallery makes sure that resolution process when buyers claim to sellers that their item was not received or the item they received was different from what was described in the listing. Help buyers and sellers resolve disputes in fewer steps, and provide buyers with a more familiar ecommerce resolution experience. Offer an option to contact the art gallery if buyers and sellers can’t reach resolution themselves. They take a more active role in ensuring transaction problems are resolved. Someone may ask to help sending or paying for an item and they are not able to. The art gallery doesn’t have the items that are sold on the site. They can ask a seller to send an item, or a buyer to pay for an item, but the art gallery can’t send the item to the buyer or pay the seller. When a buyer or seller doesn’t complete an obligation, they take it seriously and we may limit or suspend their account privileges. They work to make sure that members on the art gallery are honest and fair. 2. Buyer eligibility and other restrictions Buyers who have purchased items on the art gallery site are eligible for the Buyer Protection Policy. Buyers who file a case through the art gallery Buyer Protection, but who did not purchase an item on the art gallery, will be redirected to the existing resolution process for the site they used, if any Sellers will use the resolution process initiated by the buyer. Resolution responsibilities and protections are outlined on the site of registration. 3. Fraudulent charges not covered The Fraudulent charges to a credit card or a PayPal account are not covered by the art gallery Protection Policy. If notice any charge on the customers PayPal account that did not authorize, report should be in the PayPal Security Center. Fraudulent charges made through the credit card should be resolved with the credit card company. Payment methods not allowed on eBay: In this site buyers can’t ask to sellers to the following is the payment method of the art their specific system of payment system To Send cash through the mail is not applicable To Send cash or money orders through instant, point-to-point cash transfer services (that are not banks) such as Western Union or MoneyGram To Mail checks or money orders (except for items in categories specifically permitted in the local and specific bank) To Pay through bank-to-bank transfers (except for items in categories specifically permitted in the local and specific bank) To Pay by â€Å"topping off† a seller’s prepaid credit or debit card To Pay using online or other payment methods not specifically permitted in this policy Reference: on 24th June,2011 analysed on 24th June,2011 analysed on 25th June,2011 analysed on 26th June,2011 analysed on 27th June,2011 analysed on 21th June,2011 viewed on 24th June,2011 viewed on 28th June,2011 viewed on 22th June,2011 viewed on 29th June,2011 analysed on 24th June,2011 analysed on 22th June,2011 How to cite Business plan for an Online Art Gallery, Essay examples