Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Right After The Civil War - 892 Words

In the 1870s, right after the Civil war was over, begins a important period of time for African Americans.Previously, in 1865 the 13th amendment was added to the constitution, which abolishes slavery in the United States. Now, African Americas are free for the first time. However, they realized that there is not point to have freedom if they lack of economic support or equal oportunities than other citizens have. Is on 1868, that the 14th amedment is ratified, which states that all persons born in the United States are citizens, and shall have equal protection of the laws. And on 1870, the 15th amendment is addressed to the constituion, stating that the right to vote shall no be denied by any state. All these three amendments were ment to protect the rights of african Americans and to improve their standards of living. However, they had to face many differet issues from the 1870s to the turn of the 20th century because there were a lot of people against them. With the beginning of reconstruction era in the south in 1870, African Americans are now seeking for a bright future socially and economically speaking. In the presidential elections of 1876, Repubilcans challenge the results in the south, and congress appopints a committee of 7 democrats, 7 republicans and 1 independent. The committee voted in favor of Hayes by 8-7 votes and Hayes wins, even though, Samuel J. Tilden won the poupular and electoral vote initially. This leads to the compromise of 1877 that will endShow MoreRelated Freed Blacks rights after the Civil War Essay544 Words   |  3 PagesFreed Blacks rights after the Civil War During the year of 1865, after the North’s victory in the Civil War, the Republican Party began to pass national legislation in order to secure free blacks’ rights. Through the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution, the republicans tried to protect and establish black freedoms. 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